adventure sport training

Vocational Pathways

Vocational Pathways

Calling it the ‘Baywatch’ of Tamil Nadu, Jehan says he urges boys and girls to get up on their feet and train as open water lifeguards — “It can earn them a living either within or outside India,” he says. The certificate course includes communication, first-aid, resuscitation, swimming, physical fitness and more in the syllabus. Besides that, he provides classes in kayaking, wind and kitesurfing, where once they grow to an instructor level, they can secure jobs in adventure tourism companies.

Orphan Development Initiative

Orphan Development Initiative

“I have known these youth since the time they were small kids. I was quite worried to think how their future would be like with the kind of results and improvements they showed during their academic life. It is just very surprising to see the way they have made efforts to do something in life and become such good Adventure instructors.